
Showing posts from October, 2017

100 Word Challenge Week #7

I walked down the street. Everybody was staring at me like I was an outcast. I got home, but strangely no one was inside the house. This was peculiar I thought to myself,  everyones home by 5:30pm so I assumed  they went shopping. I heard the door creek, I heard the voices I turned back to my drawings and my pencil was drawing by itself. I realized my family had left not for shopping but to hide from them. As the voices got more heavy in my head I got prepared to sprint down the street. As the door slammed I knew my only chance was to run I bolted out the door, and ran for house until the voices cancelled out of my brain. 

100 Word Challenge Week #5

When i'm bored I use it or I use it to help me fall asleep. You can use it for a lot of things and not get bored because theres tons of possible things to do on it. It's shiny when its fresh out the box and brand new. Their expensive, but on special occasions people fight for them even if it means punching. There are plenty of functions, babies could use this thing to learn words and could even influence them in the future as they get older. It can also be compatible with other things like a computer or headset.